Choose the Gender of Your Baby Before You Become Pregnant.
Want to choose the gender/sex of your baby? Use our Baby Gender Selection Calendar/Chart to find out the best time to conceive for a baby boy or girl in 2017.
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Your quest for a balanced family may be a lot closer than you first thought
The Scientific Discovery SELNAS
After 15 years of research Schoun was able to define the specific times the ovum (egg) is able to select the type of sperms (X) or (Y) that it would make a baby with. In other words, egg membrane receptors alternate their electrical polarity so that at times they will accept a girl sperm and at other times a boy sperm.
These specific times are different and need to be recalculated for each prospective mother.
The Gender Selection Calendar
To select the gender of your baby only attempt conception on the favorable days for your chosen gender, as shown on your personal conception calendar. You can also follow a simple diet (details provided free for members and membership is also free) to re-enforce the applicable electrical polarity of your egg membrane.

Proven Records
Between 1991 and 1996 a 6 year study was made by Patrick Schoun and his team with 463 volunteering families in order to prove the correctness of the theory.
The results of this validation study was staggering. 153 out of 155 families who conceived a living child got the gender of their choice giving a success rate of 98.3%.

The method has been developed as a result of approximately 15 years of scientific studies with initial numbers showing an almost perfect success rate.
After 20 years of worldwide sales, the quantifiable success rate is over 90%. Most of the difference is coming from the accidents that the families make while having sexual relations during the days that are not indicated by the calendar.
Our success rate has been firmly established since 2002 by registering every purchaser and paying reimbursements to the few families that were unsuccessful. As unsuccessful families notified us with their negative results to get their refund.
We improved the formula by continuous analysis of the feedback from the families that were not successful. We can see that our results got 3-4% better in the last few years. So we are now calling our system SELNASPLUS for which we have statistics of a success rate of 94%.
No other gender selection calendar method that you may read about has any record of success and all is just about a hearsay or unproven claims.

The results of this study were official as it was followed up and certified by a French Notary Public. English translation of this document is the above blue banner.

Example Baby Gender Selection Calendars
Don't just take our word for it that our calendar works...
I am so grateful to you. Within 4 months of trying your calendar I became pregnant and had my dream come true with my pretty little girl and future best friend!
Thank you and god bless you all.
- Nina.
Now I feel my family is complete, and my 2 boys absolutely adore their little sister, they are always kissing and hugging her. I wouldn't without my sons, but having a little girl has made everything perfect.
September 2004
- Mrs S. W.
We used the ovulation calendar last year to calculate the best time to
conceive our baby girl. We used calendar you had on
your site back in Feb. 2006. It worked fantastically. Born on 24 November, 2006 in Macau.
Thanks you for giving us this great tool. You have here two very HAPPY and
satisfied customers!!!
- John and Oyuna Altizer
I am delighted to report that Elisabeth Daisy May joined us on 31st of May - a sister for Rupert, Jamie and William. I was enormously cynical about the method but decided to give it a go, including the dietary changes you recommend.
My much yearned for daughter completes our family - I still keep looking at her and can't quite believe our good fortune.
Thank you.
- Sarah B.
I am Maha I got my dream, on 23 Feb 2005 my beautiful boy has come to the life he is healthy and my family was so happy all of them my mother ,father,sisters ,husband and also my children it was avery nice occasion ,thanks God Iam really happy I and my husband would like to express my thanks and we are grateful especially to you and your team and we strongly recommend this method as asuccessful way to get the right gender. latter I am going to send to you photos for my boy.
Best regards
- J. P-L
Just a note to let you know that my precious baby girl was born on March 3rd. Thank you so very much for the extra help to make this a possibility. I am very blessed and thanks to your help, finally my dream of a daughter was answered. I will definately pass on to others who want a specific gender your secrets.
Thanks so very much
- Lisa M.
I am writing to tell you that I am pregnant using my Selnas calendar. I have had my scan and thankfully all appears well and the baby is due on 3rd January 2003. So I will let you know how we get on then.
- Danielle O.
I am writing to say a very big thank you and to happily confirm that at 15 weeeks after a C.V. test I am expecting a baby girl.
I am sure your calendar played an enormous part giving me the confidence to try for a 4th after having 3 boys.
.... Once again thank you. I have recommended you to a close friend of mine who has 4 boys.
- Tracey G
I requested a conception calendar last October. I had initially planned on going with Microsort and tried it once with no success. My husband and I used the calendar and now we are pregnant with a girl.
October 2004.
- Giselle
One Amazing Offer...
Available exclusively for a 1 time payment of $99
*Limited Time Offer*
If I try to conceive on an ovulation day does that mean I get a boy?
No, you can have a boy or girl with equal chances – What you are saying is what is called the Shettles method which was never scientifically proven to be right. It is a myth just like the Whelan method that says the opposite.
On the other hand, the determining factor for the days that provide a girl or boy, is whether your ovule’s electrical polarity is the opposite to the sperm which provides the energy to create when cell and penetrate the egg membrane.
I have been told that once you have 2 children of one kind you are likely to continue having the same gender?
Exactly correct. If you already have 2 children of one gender, you are statistically likely to continue with the same gender and you represent the very large majority of Mothers we have helped. The chances are that as in the last 2 previous conceptions your ovulation comes at a time when your polarity is for the same gender. The conception calendar will establish a discipline that avoids that ovulation and asks you to conceive on another one which is only for your chosen gender. Only 0.1% of men have inherited a total deficiency of one chromosome so it is unlikely to be the case with your husband.
I understand that the lifetime of sperm is sometimes over 2 days. How does this affect the end of the polarity period on the calendar?
At the end of each favorable period there are two more hidden days which allows for a sperm fertility life.
What about the other methods? Can I combine them?
You can increase the capacity your polarization cycles with the diet method (also supplied).
Nevertheless, the majority of the other methods are old wives tales or the like the Chinese calendar that do not correspond to the way that cells develop or are created in the body. Since they are not registered the results are not known.
What happens if I travel to another timezone?
Your calendar is prepared according to the timezone of your residence. So you must adjust any changes for the beginning of each favorable period.
I have difficulty in trusting an 99 dollar method.
Patrick Schoun and his people worked for 15 years discovering and perfecting the method so as to make his very great contribution to mankind. Now it is the time to make it affordable for everyone to take this world service to the next level. Remember that these are the same calendars that were sold for 400 dollars.
Is Selnas method known by the medical profession?
Many senior gynaecologists, lead by Dr. Frederick Nadal (Head of Clinique Beauregard, Marseille) have been recommending it in France for some time. Rather like the rythm method of contraception the Selnas Method is in harmony with nature it has no medication, treatment or side effects and is thus entirely outside the medical field. The field that the method is related is microbiology.
I can't understand how the biologists can predict the dates with so little information considering my irregular menstruation cycle?
The laboratories require information which identifies a polarity charge cycle and is not dependent on your menstruation cycle. In developing the method the scientist made studies on thousands of conceptions which revealed a predictability pattern according to your personal data. Each of these provides many parameters which eventually narrows down the conception days for your chosen gender. The data on the studies remain confidential to the scientists.
Since my gender preference is not 100% guaranteed, should I go ahead or not?
There is a small chance of failure but little in life is totally guaranteed – the contraceptive pill or a diaphragm for example is not guaranteed 100% and has a failure rate, yet most use them and rely on them.
Start by making a firm decision to have another child no matter what gender and boost your chances from 50% to over 90% with SelnasPlus. If it does not happen remember that baby-boy or a baby-girl will always arrive as a perfect gift and joy.
When you choose to go ahead you will be one of many thousands of mothers all over the world making the same decision. You have more then 90% chance of success (according to our records in the market place) if you follow the calendar disciplines.
If you decide that you need 100% assurance then go with a method that gives you that guarantee. (The only 100% method that we are aware of is in-vitro fertilization with gender selection which is illegal in most countries, costs a fortune and in our opinion throwing other gender embryos as biological trash is not ethical.)
What if my favorable days for a boy or girl fall during my period?
You can become pregnant during your menstruation time and provided your religion allows you, it is a fertile time. You could have two eggs or you could have spontaneous ovulation.
Alternatively you can choose to change your menstruation cycles by using contraceptive pills or menstruation delay pills.
The favorable days are based on the times when the alternating electrical charges of the egg membrane receptors are in opposite to the constant but different electrical polarity of the y (boy) or x (girl) sperm. The opposites in electrical charges (whether negative or positive) provides the energy both to create a new cell and penetrate the egg membrane They are not based on your menstruation period, so any changes with your cycle have no effect on your fertility and polarity.
I am not sure about my ovulation days, do I need to know?
No. Pregnancies can often occur outside ovulation days. We have had many pregnancies during menstruation days.
However the favorable days have a strong electrical charge of the egg and pregnancies and ovulation are more likely to happen at that time. Whatever day you ovulate, the important thing is to try to conceive on the days that are right for the favorable days and not at ovulation times which could be for either gender.
If you still would like to follow your ovulation days, there are some free calculators on the internet which are easy to use.
I am confused about the choice of gender selection calendar methods that are available?
Since we made the method available on the Internet in 1997 (a majority of our mothers were not internet patients) a great number of sites appeared copying our words with no research or basis.
They are not based on the way nature provides new cells but on other improbable factors if any and without research. You will find comments like “doctor X was able to work out from conception dates of 1000 women the sex of the child immediately”. It does not happen that way. Our laboratory work took 6 years of tests and the calculations according to individual analyses’ are possible only through a very complicated software inter-linking the parameters of each mother.
There could even be some sites that describe the same basis of polarity cycles and even mention the name of Patrick Schoun. THEY ARE ILLEGAL!
Can I change the menstrual cycle to coincide with the polarity cycle?
90% of our mothers conceive in the first 6 months on a favorable polarity day, irrespective of their menstrual cycle.
The most likely time to conceive is 1 to 2 days before ovulation rather than on the day of ovulation. There is little information to be sure that it can happen the day after but it is likely.
Mothers who have 2 or 3 babies of the same gender often find that the favorable days mostly fall during their menstruation time, that probably means that without the calendar they would have had the same gender again. So conception will now occur at or near their menstruation since the calendar dates are being followed but this time for the other gender.
If after a few months there is no pregnancy it may be more comfortable to change the menstruation cycle.
Can I combine this with the Shettles method?
We only recommend combination with diet method (supplied).
We have many people who come to us after they have tried Shettles and failed. The weight of the different DNA of the x and y sperm is minute and not enough to have one or the other win the race or to stay behind. Moreover, Dr. Whelan method recommends the exact opposite of what Dr. Shettles says.
Only the opposite polarities created by the different Ph values on meeting give the energy for the penetration of the membrane of the egg and the fusion to create a new cell, thats how the body (all mammals) works biologically and there can be no other reliance be it sexual positions or Chinese calendars or winner of the race of X and Y sperms over a tiny distance.
If it makes you happier you can combine both methods plus of course our recommended diet which increases the right Ph or electrical polarity.
You can read a little more about Shettles method in the book “Getting pregnant” by Doctor Neals Lauersen and Collette Boucher which also has a section on Selnas and Patrick Schoun.
I can not decide
The key point is to decide on a new baby no matter what its gender is and then increase your chances to more then 90% for just 99 dollars.
As to choosing among the methods that are available out there for gender selection if you can not tell which one is the best using the information then use your intuition. In other words if your left brain can not decide leave it to your right brain which will lead you to the best choice.
What is the chance of getting pregnant when employing the calendar?
It is not much different then getting pregnant without a calendar because of two reasons : Some of the days in your calendar will be on your ovulation days and the “spontaneous ovulation phenomena”.